Township Meeting Room
The organizational meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with the following in attendance:
Supervisors: Jacque Smith, Terry Scheetz and James Stoner
Others present: Shelbie Shupp, Administrative Assistant
James Stoner motioned to appoint Jacque Smith as Temporary Chairman. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Jacque Smith motioned to appoint James Stoner as Temporary Secretary. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to nominate Jacque Smith as Chairman. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Jacque Smith motioned to nominate Terry Scheetz as Vice-Chairman. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Jacque Smith motioned to nominate James Stoner as Secretary. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Jacque Smith motioned to nominate James Stoner as Treasurer. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to reaffirm the following employees:
1. Manager – Carolyn Friesema
2. Administrative Assistant – Shelbie Shupp
3. Clerical Worker/Recycling Coordinator – Tammy Sweigart
4. Part-time Clerical – Margaret Showalter
Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to reaffirm the following road workers:
1. RoadMaster – Thomas Showalter
2. Road Workers
Fulltime: Richard Pannebecker
Doug Miller
Michael Grant
Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to reaffirm the following part-time road workers:
1. Dennis Schmeck
2. Scott Zook
3. Marvin Fox
James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to recommend the Treasurer's Bond be established for $500,000.00. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to reappoint Larry B. Maier, Solicitor. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to reappoint Rettew Associates as the Township Engineering Firm on a project fee basis. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to reappoint the following individuals as the Township's Sewage Enforcement Officers:
Allen Madeira SEO #02371, as the Primary Sewage Enforcement Officer and
1st Alternate – Cynthia E. Hix SEO #01553
2nd Alternate – Frederick E. Balliet SEO #03410
Seth Bacon as Consulting Soil Scientist
James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to reappoint Barry Wagner of BRW Associates as Zoning Officer and Vector Control Officer; at $60.00 per hour. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Jacque Smith motioned to reappoint Associated Building Inspections, Inc. as the Building Code Official. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to appoint Weinhold, Nickel & Company to audit all Township Funds for 2011 including the Non-uniformed Pension Fund. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to reaffirm the following Schoeneck Fire Police for 2012:
Linda R. Weaver – CaptainJohn Shirk Jr.
Jay R. Weaver – Lieutenant Ivan Martin
Marvin ShowalterJerry Fasnacht
Paul Gantert Reed Imhoff
Garry Christ
James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to reaffirm the following Reinholds Fire Police for 2012:
Dwight Walters – CaptainJames K. Beard
Dwayne Shank – Lieutenant Edwin Harting
Curtis R. Enck, Jr. Gerald Weinhold
Ronald RuttRichard Sweigart
James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to reappoint Terry Bergman as Chairperson of the Vacancy Board. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to appoint Matthew Martin to a five-year term, to expire 12/31/2016, on the Zoning Hearing Board. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to reappoint Leon Eby and Ron Meck to a four year term, to expire 12/31/2015, on the Planning Commission. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to reappoint Joy Good to a five year term, to expire 12/31/2016, on the Park Board. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to reappoint James Beard to a five year term, to expire 12/31/2016, on the Authority. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to appoint Susquehanna Bank as the depository for Township funds. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to approve the attached list of meeting Dates for 2012. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to reimburse the Planning Commission, Park Board and Zoning Hearing Board members for expenses in the amount of $35.00 per meeting attended. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to approve the attached list of employee benefits and holidays for the year 2012. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to approve the attached fee schedule for 2012 zoning permits. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to approve the attached fee schedule for 2012 building inspections. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to retain the Driveway Permit Fee of $65.00 and Highway Occupancy Permit Fee of $125.00. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to retain the $550.00 application fee to go before the Zoning Hearing Board. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to retain the Resolution 01032011 for Sewage Permits. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to approve the minutes from the Supervisors meeting of December 19, 2011, as presented. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to pay the attached list of bills totaling $81,671.23. Jacque Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There was discussion regarding a request for a Bus Stop sign at Schoeneck square.
Terry Scheetz motioned to not appeal ZHB decision for 380 Netzley Drive on advice of counsel. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to grant Jeff Landis a time extension until May 31, 2012, for moving the fence for deer pen #3 to within setbacks on his property at 380 Netzley Drive. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried. The extension was requested because Mr. Landis did not want to move the fence until he heard how the appeal turned out and the ground was too muddy.
Jacque Smith motioned to approve Change Order #001 to add Creamery Road scope of work to contract per bidding documents submitted by contractor, York Excavating. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Supervisors reviewed the 2011 Map & Guide sample from Municipal Publications.
The Manager’s report was presented:
1. Met with Marty Gerhart to go over insurance renewal.
2. Met with Barry at 380 Netzley Drive to determine if Jeff Landis had moved the fence for Deer Pen 3 to keep it within the setbacks as determined by the Zoning Hearing Board.
3. Spoke to Dave Lutz, director of Cocalico transportation, regarding the bus stop request at the square in Schoeneck. The incident which prompted the complaint was caused by a juvenile not stopping his bike at the stop sign. Recommend we not go any further with getting a bus stop sign.
4. Included in the packet is a sample map and guide of East Earl Township. Municipal Publications produces these maps free of charge to municipalities. Advertising pays for the cost of the map. East Earl Township had only good things to say about their experience with this company. We have had requests for maps and local business listings, this guide would provide this information. The guide could also be included in our welcome packet. The company would provide us with enough to mail to all residents, plus an additional 600 maps.
Since there was no further business, a motion to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. was made by James Stoner and seconded by Terry Scheetz. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
James Stoner Secretary