
Contact Information:

The Open Records Officer for West Cocalico Township Authority is Carolyn Hildebrand, Township Manager.

Phone: 717-336-8720  Email: wcocalico@gmail.com

Right-to-Know Request Form

All documents deemed public records shall be available for inspection, retrieval, and duplication at the Municipal Building during established business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with the exception of weekends and holidays.


The Township will not accept verbal or anonymous requests.  Under the Right-to-Know Law, requests must be submitted by a person who is a legal resident of the United States.  The Right-to-Know Law further provides that all written requests shall include the name and address to which the agency should address its response.  The Township reserves the right to require acceptable proof that the Requester is a person and a legal resident of the United States.  Absent such proof, the Township will treat the request as an anonymous request which will not be fulfilled..

Fee Schedule:

Paper copies shall be $.25 per page per side. The certification of a record is $5 per record. Specialized documents including, but not limited to blue prints, color copies, and non-standard sized documents shall be charged the actual cost of production. Fax copies will be available at the cost of $.75 per page. If mailing is requested, the cost of postage will be charged. The township shall require prepayment if the total fees are estimated to exceed $100.

Contact Information for Appeals:

If a written request is denied or deemed denied, the requester may file an appeal in writing to Terry Mutchler, Executive Director, Office of Open Records, Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, Plaza Level, Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225; phone: (717) 346-9903; and e-mail: openrecords@state.pa.us