Township Meeting Room
The Chairman, Jacque Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
The following were in attendance:
Supervisors: Jacque Smith,Terry Scheetz and James Stoner.
Others Present: Carolyn Friesema, Manager; Shelbie Shupp, Administrative Assistant; Jeremy Weaver and sons, Patrick Burns, LNP and Chief George Beever.
Jeremy Weaver, recently appointed to the Planning Commission, shared his career background with the Supervisors. The Supervisors thanked him for being willing to serve the Township.
Terry Scheetz motioned to approve the Board of Supervisors minutes from August 20, 2012, as presented. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to approve the attached list of checks totaling $204,775.25. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner said that he has received compliments from residents regarding the work done on Swamp Bridge/Hartings Park Road intersection.
Jacque Smith motioned to appoint Walter Augsberger as an alternate to the Zoning Hearing Board. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Chief George Beever gave the Police Report:
The Police will be finishing their budget within the next week and submitting it for review. They are hoping to have preliminary budgetnumbers to the municipalities by the end of the month.
Police arrested an individual at 11:30 pm on August 13th at a residenceon Sandy Hill Road. He was in possession of stolen items valued at$1400. He was committed to LCP in lieu of bail.
One person was injured in a two car crash at the intersection ofIndiantown and Schoeneck Roads at 10:00 a.m. on August 18th. A vehicle entered the intersection from Indiantown road into the path ofa vehicle.
Tools and other property valued in excess of $1,000 were reported stolenfrom a residence in the 1300 block of South Cocalico Road in WestCocalico Township sometime between July 2 and August 22. The househad not been occupied for some time.
A pedestrian was struck in the first block of East Main Street in Reinholds,near the Reinholds Ambulance building in West Cocalico, at 6:00 p.m. onAugust 31. The victim was struck by a black pick-up truck towing a trailer.The victim was taken to ECH for treatment. Anyone who may havewitnessed the incident is asked to contact the East Cocalico TownshipPolice at 336-1725.
Carolyn Friesema gave the Manager’s report as follows:
1.Attended the following meetings:
a.Park Board – Wednesday, August 22, 2012 – 7:00 p.m.
2.Worked on the 2013 budget.
3.Met with Shelby Fryberger and Tom Showalter regarding 360 W. Route 897 kitchen, bath and carpet issues. Tom said the tub can be regrouted and through checking, he found that there are appliances that will fit in the kitchen.
4.Had a conference call with Tom Showalter, Jim Caldwell and Lauren Zumbrun from Rettew regarding our MS4 permit and the mapping issues.
5.Attended a meeting hosted by the Lancaster County Planning Commission reviewing “Blueprints”which is the Act 167 storm water ordinance model they hope to adopt September 19, 2012.
6.FEMA/PEMA money has been received for all areas except for the Hillside Road bridge project.
7.MS4 permit has been sent in.
Terry Scheetz motioned to approve the purchase of a John Deere Bucket pick-up Sweeper in the amount of $17,620.00. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to approve payment to Spear Excavating, LLC in the amount of $184,981.82 for work done at Harting’s Park/Swamp Bridge Road. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Supervisor’s reviewed the Capital Projects Plan through 2016, which Carolyn had prepared.
On a motion by James Stoner and seconded by Terry Scheetz, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
James Stoner Secretary