Township Meeting Room
The Chairman, Jacque Smith called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m.
The following were in attendance:
Supervisors: Jacque Smith, Terry Scheetz and James Stoner.
Others Present: Carolyn Friesema, Manager; Shelbie Shupp, Administrative Assistant; Tom Showalter, Roadmaster; and Patrick Burns, Lancaster Newspapers.
Terry Scheetz motioned to approve the Board of Supervisors minutes from October 4, 2012, as corrected. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to approve the attached list of checks totaling $89,214.23. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to approve the September, 2012, Treasurer’s Report. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Tom Showalter gave the Roadmaster’s Report as follows:
The Reinholds Boy Scout troop painted the picnic tables and playground equipment at Chapel Gate and Main Street Parks. The boy scouts will be sent a thank you note.
We replaced a storm water pipe that collapsed on Village Spring Lane.
Burkholder Paving completed shoulder paving on Mechanic Street.
Met with Carolyn to discuss the budget and MS4.
The installation of the 38×24 inch culvert pipe on Blue Lake Rd. was completed.
Painting at the rental house was completed. The garage door openerhas stop working and will be replaced this week. The windows shouldbe replaced in 2014 or 2015 and the roof will have to be replaced in 5 to 7 years.
Line painting will be done Weds., October 17th.
There was discussion regarding the final invoice from Spear Excavating for the Harting’s Park/Swamp Bridge Road Project in the amount of $9,735.89. James Stoner said it’s impossible to put a bid package together if the township has to continue paying additional bills for issues that were the contractors fault. Jacque Smith asked Carolyn to meet with Tom Showalter; an engineer from Rettew Assoc. and a representative from Spear Excavating to discuss the additional bill.
Based on the Berks Enviro Tech SEO’s recommendation, James Stoner motioned to approve the request for a well isolation distance exemption for 1065 S Cocalico Road. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to approve the request for a Stop Ahead Sign to be installed on N. Blainsport Rd. before Weaver Markets. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Board of Supervisors approved the Township Office being closed on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve since both days are a Monday before the actual holidays. The employees will have to use vacation or personal days to receive pay for these days.
Carolyn Friesema gave the Manager’s Report:
1.Attended the LCWC meeting at the Farm Show Center on Thursday October 11, 2012 to discuss strategies for cleaning up streams for the Chesapeake Bay Pollution reduction plan.
2.The Liquid Fuels fund was audited for the years 2010 and 2011. There were two findings. The Liquid Fuels account will have to be reimbursed for single lines that were painted in 2010 and 2011. The Liquid Fuels account can only be used for double line painting.
3.Investigated the following complaints/concerns:
a. Long grass complaints
b. Paper/Corn fodder along route 897
The Township office has received numerous favorable comments regarding the Township map brochure. This publication was done at no expense to the Township. The advertisements contained in the brochure are what funded this publication.
The meeting was recessed to an executive session at 9:44 a.m.
The meeting reconvened at 10:45 a.m.
James Stoner motioned to approve Resolution 10152012. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. The motion carried. Resolution 10152012 is attached.
On a motion by James Stoner and seconded by Jacque Smith, the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
James Stoner Secretary