MAINTENANCE: Discharging excessive wastewater into your septic system can cause your on-lot sewage system to fail. By practicing the following, you may prolong the life of your septic system.
- Pump out your septic tank every 2-3 years, depending on the tank size and usage. At this time, ask your septic tank pumper to inspect the baffles inside the tank. The baffles reduce the number of solids that can reach the drain field and clog the system, causing a malfunction. If these baffles are damaged or broken, they may be replaced with sanitary tees without a permit. NEVER ENTER A SEPTIC TANK. THE TOXIC GASES CAN KILL IN MINUTES.
- Check frequently for any leaky faucets and plumbing fixtures, and fix promptly.
- Sump pumps, spouting or any other water that is not waste must not be discharged in the system.
- Divert any downspouts or storm water away from the septic system.
- Do not do all your wash in one day. Spread out the loads of wash throughout the week.
- Do not place any hazardous wastes such as oil, grease, paint, diapers, paper towels, plastic products, garbage, etc. into your septic system. The bacteria in the septic system cannot digest hazardous wastes easily and may cause a buildup of solids.
- Keep any heavy equipment off the septic system.
- Install low-flow plumbing fixtures in your home to conserve water.
- If your sewage system has electric and/or mechanical parts, it should be inspected each year by an experienced individual.
PERMITTING : A permit is required from the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer to repair or replace any component (except the tank baffle) of an on-lot system. Please contact Allen Madeira Berks Envirotech, Inc. (610)-375-7640 regarding questions or additional information. All repairs or replacements to septic drainfields require percolation and probe testing to determine the type of drainfield required