Township Meeting Room
The Chairman, Henry Freed, leading the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, called the regular meeting of the West Cocalico Township Authority to order at 7:00 P.M. The following were in attendance:
Authority:Henry Freed, Jack Winter, Gene Weaver, James Beard, and Joe Michalka
Carolyn Friesema-Manager Heath Edelman-Engineer
Tammy Sweigart-Asst. Secretar
Others: Kim Mazur-Entech Engineering; Chris Wilson-Exeter Supply; Betty Knepp; Luke Showalter; Kirk Showalter
The Manager, Carolyn Friesema, explained to the residents attending the meeting why the water meters are being replaced with radio read meters, when the meters will be replaced, and how the meters will be replaced. She then asked if there were any questions. Betty Knepp said she has a pit meter in her driveway and asked if the new meter will be installed in her house or if the new meter will be installed in the existing pit. The new meter will be installed in the pit. There were no other questions.
The minutes of the meeting held on February 12, 2013 were approved as presented.
Joe Michalka motioned to approve the attached list of checks from the Sewer Fund totaling $14,986.61. Gene Weaver seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The following proposals were received on 3/8/13 for Operation of the Wastewater Treatment Plant:
Company: | Monthly Operations Fee |
Singh Operational Services, Inc. 8 Rees Drive Willow Street, PA 17584 |
$4,126.00 |
CBS Environmental Services, Inc. PO Box 3685 York, PA 17402 |
$2,520.00 |
Select Environmental Solutions, Inc. 111 Deck Road Womelsdorf, PA 19567 |
$1,850.00 |
Clean Water Inc. 170 Dallas St. Box 475 Atglen, PA 19310 |
$1,500.00 |
James Beard motioned to award the contract based on the Engineer’s review for best value and a teleconference with the Board. Joe Michalka seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Clean Water Inc. report for the month of January indicated the average
daily flow was 120,600 gallons per day. Red Rose Sanitation Solutions began hauling sludge on March 1, 2013.
Heath reported that all of the house inspections for Inflow and Infiltration have been completed and a report will be forthcoming.
Joe Michalka motioned to approve the attached list of checks from the Water Fund totaling $72,444.17. Jack Winter seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Carolyn said that more new meters will need to be purchased than was originally expected, since the new interpreters cannot be installed on meters that were installed through 2009. Interpreters will be installed on meters that were installed in 2010 or later.
The Auto-Dialer was discussed. Joe Michalka will do research on the installation and bring the information to the next meeting.
Carolyn said that she and Larry Gensemer discussed the numerous water leaks that have been occurring in Red Stone Circle. Since the copper piping appears to be part of the problem, Carolyn said they decided it would be wise to pull a new line through whenever a new leak occurs.
There was discussion regarding the disposal of the old water meters after they are replaced. Heath recommended that the Authority allow the contractor to factor the disposal of the old meters into the bid price instead of the Authority disposing of them.
Carolyn said that a tenant of Erma Sensenig is behind with her water/sewer payment and has indicated that she will pay the remainder of her balance on a bi-weekly basis until it is paid in full. Since normally the door would have been posted, James Beard said that Carolyn should contact the property owner, Erma Sensenig, to let her know about the situation and to let her know that she is ultimately responsible for the bill, since she is the homeowner.
The March report of the water system was as follows:
Well #1 Total gallons used: 1,883,700
Average daily usage: 67,275
Well #2 Total gallons used: 2,040,200
Average daily usage: 72,864
Well #3 Total gallons used: 2,372,700
Average daily usage: 84,739
Replaced Well #1 Cl 17 colorimeter
Replaced Well #2 Chlorine Day tank
There being no further business, Joe Michalka motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 P.M. James Beard seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
James K. Beard, Secretary