Township Meeting Room
Leading the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, the Chairman, Jacque Smith called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
The following were in attendance: Supervisors: Jacque Smith,Terry Scheetz and James Stoner.
Others Present: Carolyn Friesema, Manager; Shelbie Shupp, Administrative Assistant; Patrick Burns, Lancaster Newspapers; Chief George Beever and Walter Augsberger.
James Stoner motioned to approve the Board of Supervisors minutes from February 7, 2013, as presented. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to approve the attached list of checks totaling $157,260.13. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Chief George Beever gave the Police Report:
Drug charges were filed against two people in connection with the January 22 investigation into astolen vehicle and subsequent drug investigation at 165 E. Main Street in Reinholds.
On February 8, 8:45 AM, a motorist was traveling westbound on West Rt. 897, near the intersection with Peartown Rd., when she was distracted by looking at something on her passenger seat. She went off of the right side of the road, struck a utility pole, and sheered it off. She was not injured.
Also on February 8, a motorist on Blue Lake Road lost control of hisvehicle, struck an embankment and rolled over. He was not injured.
On February 10 at 8:40 PM, officers responded to a reported house fire at195 Village Spring Lane.
On February 18, an officer responded to a hit & run crash at the intersection of Steinmetz and Wollups Hill Roads at 6:26 PM. The driver who left the scene was later identified and was cited. There were no injuries.
On February 19, at 11:15 AM, a driver who was southbound in the 300 block of North Ridge Road lost control of her vehicle due to snowy road conditions. She went off of the right side of the road and struck a tree. She was not injured.
Also on February 19, at about 11:45 AM, a motorist lost control of her vehicle in the first block of Wollups Hill Rd., and struck a tree. The treefell onto some Windstream telephone lines. The driver was evaluated onthe scene by Reinholds Ambulance personnel, but refused treatment.
A 2002 Saturn SL1 sedan, light blue in color, was reported stolen fromthe premises of Dave’s Auto Repair, 335 North Peartown Road, WestCocalico Township, on February 27. The vehicle is valued at $3,000.
There was discussion regarding a financial contribution to the Cocalico Creek Watershed Association. No decision was made regarding this. The Supervisors will discuss this again when doing next year’s budget.
Jacque Smith motioned to allow the Manager to initiate changing the pension to one that employees can contribute to and also have a choice in how their pension is invested. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Tom Showalter had talked to the Reinholds and Schoeneck Fire Companies regarding joining in the Lancaster County Fire Police Task Force. He told Carolyn that neither Fire Company is interested in being a part of this.
James Stoner motioned to approve Schoeneck Fire Police assisting with Cocalico High school 5K run on April 27th. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to approve Schoeneck Fire Police assisting with the Ephrata Community Hospital Day on June 1st. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Park Board recommends the Sunrise Gardens Park be dispersed by whatever means necessary. Carolyn will look into what can be done legally with this piece of property.
Terry Scheetz motioned to approve closing the main entrance of the Schoeneck Park on May 27, 2013 for the Memorial Day Parade and ceremony. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to approve the Parks Board request to move forward with a section of the Chapel Gate Walking Trail project as budgeted. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried. The part they would start with is at Red Stone Circle heading toward the pavilion and baseball diamond.
The Board reviewed the Weist Memorial Church request to hold an Easter Egg hunt in Schoeneck Park on Saturday, March 30, 2013. Since the annual mower/tractor sale at the Schoeneck Fire Company is also held on the same day, the Board of Supervisors do not think it is advisable to hold the egg hunt on this day due to parking and safety issues because of the congestion. Carolyn gave the church alternate dates and locations to use.
The Board acknowledged the recommendation from the Planning Commission to add land to the ASA contingent on LCPC recommendation.
The Board reviewed Rettew’s cost estimate of $31,000 for the MS4 Permit Year 2013.
Terry Scheetz motioned to approve the use of Township roads for Lancaster Farmland Trust 2013 Pedal to Preserve bicycle ride on June 1st. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Carolyn Friesema gave the Manager’s report as follows:
1. Investigated the following complaints/concerns:
a. Barrel in right of way on Hartings Park/Swampbridge Rd.
b. Binder road condition complaint
2. The notices were posted for the Agricultural Security Area petition. There have been quite a fewresidents inquiring about what this means and how it will affect their property.
3. Due to the number of times it was necessary to file a civil complaint with Judge Hamill, LarryMaier will be teaching Carolyn how to file a civil complaint for future issues.
4. Met with Tom Showalter and representatives from UGI and Great Western to discuss the repairs needed on Swamp Church Road, as well as the tank farm area.
5. Met with Tom Showalter and the Yurchenkos. The Yurchenkos purchased a lot on SwampBridge Road which they want to develop.
They submitted a driveway permit and we discussedwith themhowthey should move forward.
6. Attended State Representative Mindy Fee’s open House at her Denver office.
7. Spoke to Jim Caldwell and Lauren Zumbun from Rettew, regardingthe new MS4 permitrequirements.
The meeting recessed to an executive session at 7:48 pm to discuss personnel and legal issues.
The meeting resumed at 9:00 pm. On a motion by James Stoner and seconded by Terry Scheetz, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
James Stoner Secretary