Township Meeting Room
The Chairman, Henry Freed, leading the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, called the regular meeting of the West Cocalico Township Authority to order at 7:00 P.M. The following were in attendance:
Authority: Henry Freed, Gene Weaver, Jack Winter, and James Beard
Carolyn Friesema-Manager Larry Gensemer-Operations Consultant Tammy Sweigart-Asst. Secretary Heath Edelman-Engineer The minutes of the meeting held on May 14, 2013 were approved as read.Gene Weaver motioned to approve the attached list of checks from the Sewer Fund totaling $14,444.68. James Beard seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Carolyn reported that there are two holes in the road on Chapel View Drive which line up with manholes 5 and 6. The township road crew tried to cover them up but they opened up again. James Beard motioned to authorize Carolyn to arrange for manholes 4A, 5, 6, and 6A to be televised. Gene Weaver seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Heath reported that Brent Estock, Larry Gensemer, and himself moved the flowmeters to a different location today. They also noticed a high flow of clear water coming from the west side of the water system.
Heath reported that he will email the CAP Report to Carolyn so everyone can read over it before it gets mailed to DEP. Heath will propose a plan to DEP that includes night-time manhole inspections, televising manholes, and continuing the weekly BOD sampling.
The Clean Water Inc. report for the month of April indicated the average daily flow was 111,900 gallons per day.
James Beard motioned to approve the attached list of checks from the Water Fund totaling $238,143.04. Gene Weaver seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Discussion on the Auto-Dialer was tabled.
Carolyn reported that a pre-construction was held today for the Meter Replacement Project. Todd Duffey is planning to start replacing the water meters on June 17. Carolyn presented a letter that will be mailed to water customers that explains the replacement process. The letter will be mailed by the end of the week.
Larry Gensemer reported that four pit meters were installed today by Leon Ray Martin Excavating at the following locations: 50 N.
Blainsport Rd., 80 N. Blainsport Rd., 275 Creamery Rd., and 110 Mechanic St. They also removed the old water meters from these residences. Larry said the lawns will need to be seeded except at the 275 Creamery Rd. address, where the pit is located in the meadow.
Larry also reported that Dave Muzzy from PRWA is coming next week with his listening device to check on several locations where Larry has seen water on a continuing basis.
The May report of the water system was as follows:
Well #1 Total gallons used: 1,571,300
Average daily usage: 50,687
Well #2 Total gallons used: 2,997,600
Average daily usage: 96,697
Well #3 Total gallons used: 2,146,100
Average daily usage: 69,229
There being no further business, Gene Weaver motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 P.M. Jack Winter seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
James K. Beard, Secretary