Township Meeting Room
The Chairman, Henry Freed, leading the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, called the regular meeting of the West Cocalico Township Authority to order at 7:00 P.M. The following were in attendance:
Authority: Henry Freed, Jack Winter, and James Beard
Carolyn Friesema-Manager Larry Gensemer-Operations Consultant Tammy Sweigart-Asst. Secretary Heath Edelman-Engineer
The minutes of the meeting held on June 11, 2013 were approved as read.
James Beard motioned to approve the attached list of checks from the Sewer Fund totaling $17,730.27. Jack Winter seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Carolyn reported that Kline’s Services televised the sewer line on Chapel View Drive where the two sink holes are located. They found that part of the pipe was compressed and an area of the pipe that was leaking. Leon Ray Martin Excavating is scheduled to repair the sewer line.
Larry Gensemer reported that he and Gene Weaver spent several hours opening manholes. They did not find any manholes that were leaking, but they found several that had heavy flows. These manholes will be rechecked during the nighttime hours to see if the flow decreases. There are also manholes that may need to be flushed out.
Heath Edelman reported that the Wastewater Hydraulic & Organic Loading Study was submitted to DEP.
The Clean Water Inc. report for the month of May indicated the average daily flow was 97,600 gallons per day.
James Beard motioned to approve the attached list of checks from the Water Fund totaling $42,443.66. Jack Winter seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Discussion on the Auto-Dialer was tabled.
Carolyn reported that Todd Duffey has started changing out the water meters.
Carolyn reported that George Dula of 22 W. Main St. has an outstanding balance on his account that was due on 7/5/13. Mr. Dula paid half the amount due, but the other half is still outstanding. James Beard motioned to authorize Carolyn to write a letter to Mr. Dula stating that he must go on a payment plan or a lien will be put on his property for the balance that he owes. Jack seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Larry Gensemer reported that a water leak was detected after the new meter pit was installed at the Reinholds Post Office. The owner was contacted and has put in a whole new water line. Larry also checked out a leak at 15 N. Blainsport Rd. which was the homeowner’s responsibility.
Larry also reported that when Dave Muzzy from PRWA came out with his listening device, they found a leak on Creamery Rd. The leak will be repaired by Leon Ray Martin Excavating when they repair the sewer line on Chapel View Drive.
The June report of the water system was as follows:
Well #1 Total gallons used: 851,400
Average daily usage: 28,380
Well #2 Total gallons used: 3,384,900
Average daily usage: 112,830
Well #3 Total gallons used: 2,307,400
Average daily usage: 76,713
W.G. Malden calibrated all the well water meters
Doors were posted for delinquent accounts
Water meters were read for the 2nd Qtr Billing
There being no further business, Jack Winter motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 P.M. James Beard seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
James K. Beard, Secretary