Township Meeting Room
The Chairman, Henry Freed, leading the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, called the regular meeting of the West Cocalico Township Authority to order at 7:00 P.M. The following were in attendance:
Authority: Henry Freed, James Beard, Jack Winter, Gene Weaver and Joe Michalka
Carolyn Friesema-Manager Heath Edelman-Engineer
Tammy Sweigart-Asst. Secretary Larry Gensemer-Operations Consultant
The first order of business was the Election of Officers for the year 2013. Jack Winter motioned to retain the same officers. Gene Weaver seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The officers for 2013 are:
Chairman: | Henry Freed |
Vice Chairman: | Gene Weaver |
Secretary: | James K. Beard |
Treasurer: | Jack W. Winter |
Asst. Treasurer: | Joe Michalka |
James Beard motioned to retain Larry B. Maier as the Solicitor, Entech Engineering as the Engineering Firm, and Weinhold Nickel & Co. as the Accounting Firm for 2013. Jack Winter seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Beard motioned to retain the following employees for 2013. Gene Weaver seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Carolyn Friesema | Manager |
Tammy Sweigart | Asst. Secretary |
Larry Gensemer | Operations Consultant |
The minutes of the meeting held on December 11, 2012 were approved as read.
Jack Winter motioned to approve the attached list of checks from the Sewer Fund for the period ending 12/30/12 totaling $9,375.21. Joe Michalka seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The 2013 Sewer and Water Budgets were discussed. Carolyn said she consulted with Dean Hoover of Weinhold Nickel & Co. in regard to paying for the water meter project with monies from the Sewer Fund. Dean said that there is no reason why the Sewer Fund monies must be kept separate from the Water Fund monies.
Joe Michalka motioned to pay for the Water Meter Project exclusively using monies from the Sewer Fund. Gene Weaver seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Joe Michalka motioned to adopt the 2013 Sewer Budget in the amount of $416,543.00 with no rate increase, and the 2013 Water Budget in the amount of $478,978.00, with no rate increase. Jack Winter seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Beard motioned to authorize Carolyn to prepare and advertise a bid package for Operation of the Sewer Plant. Gene Weaver seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Jack Winter motioned to authorize Carolyn to sign the Engineering Work Order in the amount of $2,800.00 for Entech Engineering to prepare the 2012 Chapter 94 Report. Joe Michalka seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Gene Weaver motioned to authorize Carolyn to sign the Engineering Work Order in the amount of $2,700.00 for Entech Engineering to prepare the NPDES Permit Renewal and submit to PADEP by June 3, 2013. James Beard seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Clean Water Inc. report for the month of November indicated the average
daily flow was 121,200 gallons per day.
Gene Weaver motioned to approve the attached list of checks from the Water Fund for the period ending 12/30/12 totaling $19,164.18. James Beard seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Larry Gensemer reported that several leaks have been repaired on Mechanic St., including a substantial leak on the Reinholds Post Office property. Four curb boxes were replaced and also the heaters at Well #1 and Well #2 were replaced.
Heath Edelman reported that flowmeters were installed in three manholes.
Carolyn said that a demonstration of the Sensus Meters is scheduled for January 9, 2013 with L/B Water.
The December report of the water system was as follows:
Well #1 Total gallons used: 2,093,400
Average daily usage: 67,529
Well #2 Total gallons used: 2,446,400
Average daily usage: 78,916
Well #3 Total gallons used: 3,403,600
Average daily usage: 109,794
Doors were posted for delinquent accounts.
Meters were read for the fourth quarter billing.
There being no further business, Gene Weaver motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 P.M. Jack Winter seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
James K. Beard, Secretary