January 17, 2012

Township Meeting Room


The Chairman, Jacque Smith called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

The following were in attendance:
Supervisors: Jacque Smith, Terry Scheetz and James Stoner.

Others Present: Carolyn Friesema, Manager; Shelbie Shupp, Administrative Assistant; and Thomas Showalter, Roadmaster.

James Stoner motioned to approve the Board of Supervisors minutes from January 3, 2012, as corrected, changing Terry Scheetz from seconding the motion to approve attached list of checks; to James Stoner seconding the motion .
Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Terry Scheetz motioned to approve the attached list of checks totaling $112,653.22. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

James Stoner motioned to approve the December, 2011, Treasurer’s Report. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

There was discussion regarding the property at 1975 N. Reading Rd. The Board of Supervisors would like to have clarification as to the exact costs involved in refinancing the loan. Also, they would like to know if it is feasible to have a truck terminal to offset some of the expense. Carolyn will request that these items be added to the Regional Meeting agenda for January 24, 2012.

Terry Scheetz said that the committee for handling the property is meeting at 1975 N. Reading Rd. with the new BC Chicken contact on January 18th . The BC Chicken contract will run through December, 2013. He felt that the members of the committee meeting on January 18th could discuss the possibility of having a truck terminal at the property.

Terry Scheetz motioned to authorize the Chairman and Secretary to execute the Planning Waiver & Non-Building Declaration for the Arthur Johnson Lot Add On Plan WCT: 11-08. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Jacque Smith motioned to send Larry Maier the 2011 Delinquent Street Light Tax Accounts to have liens placed on properties. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

James Stoner motioned to approve Change Order #002 in the amount of $5,827.22 for additional Hillside Road scope for retaining walls. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

There was discussion regarding the Rettew Assocs. Truck Restriction Study for parts of Kline Rd., Strickler Rd. and Wollups Hill Rd. The study will be sent to PennDot for their approval. Jacque Smith asked Carolyn to share the Truck Restriction Study at the Regional Meeting.

Tom Showalter said the bathtub area needs replaced at the rental property. He and Carolyn will get two quotes from plumbers regarding the repairs.

The Zoning Hearings for January 19, 2012, were reviewed.

Tom Showalter gave the Roadmaster’s Report as follows:
· Snow plow parts and tire chains were purchased.
· York Excavating has completed work at the Hillside Road Bridge and the Creek Road Bridge. Work has started at the Creamery Road Bridge.
· The gasoline tank at the shop was emptied and filled with diesel fuel. We have started buying our unleaded gasoline at Weaver Markets.
· The salt shed roof was repaired.
· The stop sign was repaired at the intersection of Strickler Rd. and Greenville Rd.
· Work was started on the Tannery Rd. storm water piping. So far the dispersion area, end wall two inlet boxes and 110 feet of 24 inch pipe were installed. The disturbed area has been seeded and mulched.
· Will be meeting today with Dean Stoltz , to discuss how his property will be affected by the new storm water piping at the intersection of Hartings Park Road and Swamp Bridge Roads. This property is one that needs an easement approved.
· The Road Crew will be working on the catch basin on Horseshoe Trail Rd. so that it does a better job of catching the water. They will be cutting off the top of the box and channeling the water into the box.

The Bridge Reports for Sportsmen Rd., Resh Rd. and Creamery Roads were reviewed.

Terry Scheetz requested that Tom Showalter contact Earl at Clay Twp. regarding water puddle on Clay Twp. side of the Indiantown Rd. bridge.

On a motion by James Stoner and seconded by Terry Scheetz, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

James Stoner Secretary