Township Meeting Room
The Chairman, Henry Freed, leading the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, called the regular meeting of the West Cocalico Township Authority to order at 7:00 P.M. The following were in attendance:
Authority: Henry Freed, Jack Winter, Gene Weaver, and James Beard arriving at 7:20 P.M.
Carolyn Friesema-Manager Larry Gensemer-Operations Consultant
Tammy Sweigart-Asst. Secretary Heath Edelman-Engineer
Others: Kevin Long-Kline’s Services, Tammie Hibshman, Carl Sensenig, Harvey Burkholder
The minutes of the meeting held on January 8, 2013 were approved as read.
Gene Weaver motioned to approve the attached list of checks from the Sewer Fund totaling $21,787.57. Jack Winter seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The bids for sludge removal were opened. The following bids were received:
Bidder: | Price/Gallon |
Red Rose Sanitation Solutions, Inc. 1405 Vermont Ave Lancaster, PA 17603 |
$0.078 |
McGovern Environmental 223 Fellowship Rd Eagle, PA 19480 |
$0.0785 |
Kline’s Services, Inc. 5 Holland St Salunga, PA 17538 |
$0.0875 |
After reviewing the sludge bids, James Beard motioned to award the sludge bid to the lowest bidder, Red Rose Sanitation Solutions, Inc., for one year at the rate of $0.078 per gallon, effective March 1, 2013, contingent upon the review and receipt of all documentation. Jack Winter seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Jack Winter motioned to accept the CORRPRO Annual Service Agreement for Cathodic Protection for Tank #1 in the amount of $735.00. Gene Weaver seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Carolyn reported that a Request for Proposals was advertised for operation of the Wastewater Treatment Plant. There will be a mandatory pre-bid meeting on Feb. 25, 2013 and bids will be due on March 8, 2013.
The Clean Water Inc. report for the month of December indicated the average
daily flow was 109,800 gallons per day.
Carl Sensenig and Harvey Burkholder presented a plot plan of the former Lezzer Lumber property along Lincoln Ave. which is owned by Mr. Sensenig. Mr. Sensenig currently has two tenants. One tenant occupies the former office building at 135 Lincoln Ave. The other tenant occupies one of the buildings across the street at 150 Lincoln Ave. Mr. Sensenig asked whether it would be permitted to have an additional tenant occupy a second building at 150 Lincoln Ave. Heath Edelman explained to Mr. Sensenig that the West Cocalico Township Authority Sewer Regulations state that each building requires a separate sewer EDU, and since the property only has two current sewer EDUs, no additional tenants may be added without additional sewer EDUs. In addition, the Authority is under a Corrective Action Plan by DEP, which states that no additional sewer EDUs can be added to the sewer system with the exception of a malfunctioning septic system that has no replacement area.
Gene Weaver motioned to approve the attached list of checks from the Water Fund totaling $85,619.50. James Beard seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Carolyn reported that James Beard, Gene Weaver, and she attended a demonstration of the Sensus Meters on January 9, 2013 with L/B Water. After comparing the features, the technical support, and the presentation of both the Sensus Meter and the Master Meter, James Beard motioned to move forward with the water meter replacement project using the Master Meter from Exeter Supply. Gene Weaver seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Beard recommended that the Authority Board Members, Office Staff, and the water meter installers should wear identification badges when on a resident’s property.
The February report of the water system was as follows:
Well #1 Total gallons used: 2,307,600
Average daily usage: 74,439
Well #2 Total gallons used: 2,286,900
Average daily usage: 73,770
Well #3 Total gallons used: 3,633,200
Average daily usage: 117,200
Larry Gensemer reported that there was a significant water leak on Red Stone Circle today that was repaired by Leon Ray Martin.
There being no further business, Gene Weaver motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 P.M. James Beard seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
James K. Beard, Secretary