Township Meeting Room
The Chairman, Jacque Smith called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
The following were in attendance:
Supervisors: Jacque Smith, Terry Scheetz and James Stoner.
Others Present: Carolyn Friesema, Manager; Shelbie Shupp, Administrative Assistant; Thomas Showalter, Roadmaster; Dave Powers, Burkholder Paving; and Luke Showalter.
James Stoner motioned to approve the Board of Supervisors minutes from April 4, 2013.
Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to approve the attached list of checks totaling $15,577.03. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to approve the March, 2013, Treasurer’s Report. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
As follow up to the discussion at the April 4th meeting regarding Peartown Rd Project, Carolyn contacted George Gress and Bobby Bachman to setup a meeting with the supervisors to discuss how to move forward with the stream flooding onto Peartown Rd. She is waiting for confirmation of a date from George and Bobby.
The bids for Sealcoat and Paving were opened at 9:15 a.m. The results are as follows:
Sealcoat Bidders | Unit/Sealcoat | Location | Bid Amount |
Asphalt Maintenance Solutions 188 Jefferson Street Emmaus, PA 18049 |
.94 |
100,001 sq. yds. Alternate 1 –Resh Rd Alternate 2 – Shenks Mill TOTAL |
$94,000.94 $5,828.94 $4,498.84 $104,328.72 |
Hammaker East, Ltd. 1514 Black Gap Road Fayetteville, PA 17222 |
1.23 |
100,001 sq. yds. Alternate 1 – Resh Rd Alternate 2 – Shenks Mill Rd TOTAL |
$123,001.23 $7,627.23 $5,886.78 $136,515.24 |
Martin Paving, Inc. 531 E. 28th Div. Hwy. Lititz, PA 17543 |
.928 |
100,001 sq.yds. Alternate 1 – Resh Rd Alternate 2 – Shenks Mill TOTAL |
$92,800.92 $5,754.53 $4,441.40 $102,996.85 |
Midland Asphalt Materials, Inc. 225 Columbia Mall Drive Suite 410, Box 58 Bloomsburg, PA 17615 |
1.10 |
100,001 sq. yds. Alternate 1 – Resh Rd. Alternate 2 – Shenks Mill TOTAL |
$110,001.10 $6,821.10 $5,264.60 $122,086.80 |
Paving Bidders | Location | Bid Amount |
EJB Paving & Materials Co. 1119 Snyder Road West Lawn, PA 19609 |
Wollups Hill Road from Indiantown to Steinmetz Road Lower Hillside Road from Hillside Road to John F Martin Alternate 1 – Hillside Rd from Lower Hillside to Sandy Hill Rd Alternate 2 – Indiantown Rd from Schoeneck Rd to bridge at Clay Township Line TOTAL |
$46,387.50 $21,615.42 $74,941.44 $281,413.42 |
Martin Limestone Inc. Div. of NESL, dba Burkholder Paving 621 Martindale Road Ephrata, PA 17522 |
Wollups Hill Road from Indiantown to Steinmetz Road Lower Hillside Road from Hillside Road to John F Martin Alternate 1 – Hillside Rd from Lower Hillside to Sandy Hill Rd Alternate 2 – Indiantown Rd from Schoeneck Rd to bridge at Clay Township Line TOTAL |
$42,380.50 $19,601.20 $64,402.80 $249,129.50 |
Reading Materials, Inc. PO Box 1467 Skippack, PA 19474 |
Wollups Hill Road from Indiantown to Steinmetz Road Lower Hillside Road from Hillside Road to John F Martin Alternate 1 – Hillside Rd from Lower Hillside to Sandy Hill Rd Alternate 2 – Indiantown Rd from Schoeneck Rd to bridge at Clay Township Line TOTAL |
$44,826.90 $22,527.75 $65,386.80 $269,738.95 |
James Stoner motioned to award the sealcoat bid to the lowest bidder, Martin Paving, Inc. provided all documents are in order. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to award the paving bid to the lowest bidder, Martin Limestone Inc. Div. of NESL, dba Burkholder Paving provided all documents are in order. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to approve Schoeneck Fire police assisting with Schoeneck Veterans War Memorial Association parade on May 27, 2013. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to approve Schoeneck Fire police assisting with the Ephrata Fair Parade on Wednesday, September 25, 2013. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There was discussion regarding people parking too close to the intersections in the Chapel Gate development. Tom suggested that the intersections throughout the township be looked at. James Stoner motioned to proceed with investigating the process to mark the intersections for No Parking within 30 ft. of intersections in such a way that those who park too close will be ticketed. As well as, what is necessary for enforcement of no parking on streets during snow emergencies. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Tom Showalter gave the Roadmaster’s report as follows:
l Salted and plowed roads on March 19th.
l Extended a storm water pipe in Main Street Park.
l The new backhoe was delivered on March 21st.
l Cleaned gutters on Paradise, Horseshoe Trail and Blainsport Roads.
l Salted and plowed roads on March 25th
l Kline’s Services jet vacuumed eight storm water pipes that were clogged.
l The trees and planting areas were mulched at all parks.
l Anti-skid was cleaned up at all intersections.
l The Road Crew attended an Equipment and Worker Safety class.
l Street sweeping was done on April 8-9.
l Washouts were repaired on Horseshoe Trail Rd.
l The Road Crew attended a Street Sign class sponsored by LTAP.
l Tom was contacted by Clay Twp. regarding replacing guiderail on townships portion of Girl Scout Rd. They are having Chemung Supply replace their portion. Tom is checking with Jim Caldwell what PennDot specs are for this. Tom thinks the cost would be approximately $5,000.
Carolyn Friesema gave the Manager’s Report as follows:
1. Investigated the following complaints/concerns:
a. Overhanging tree branches
b. Un-permitted in home business
2. Attended the Planning Commission meeting on Monday, April 8, 2013.
3. On Friday, April 5, 2013, held pre-bid meeting with Tom Showalter for the seal coat and paving bids.
4. Met with representatives from the Trilogy Group Benefits, LLC a health insurance broker.
5. Met with Barry Wagner, Rebecca Buchanan and Jacque Smith to discuss stormwater issues at 86A, East Main St. Carolyn and Barry are working on revising building permit application to include stormwater requirements.
6. Met with Tom Showalter and Joe Becker at Chapel Gate Park to discuss the retaining wall.
7. LCCTC expects to start working on the Schoeneck playground on Wednesday, April 17 or 18, 2013.
8. The township will need a permit to go through wetlands at Chapel Gate Walking Trail.
James Stoner motioned to purchase a generator through Dynatech, a Co-starts company; which will provide backup electricity to the municipal office, banquet hall and kitchen area. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
On a motion by James Stoner and seconded by Terry Scheetz, the meeting was adjourned at 10:12 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
James Stoner Secretary