Township Meeting Room
The Chairman, Jacque Smith called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m.
The following were in attendance: Supervisors: Jacque Smith, Terry Scheetz and James Stoner.
Others Present: Carolyn Friesema, Manager; Shelbie Shupp, Administrative Assistant; Timothy Sensenig, and Dave Powers, Martin Limestone.
Terry Scheetz motioned to approve the Board of Supervisors minutes from March 1, 2012, as presented. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to approve the attached list of checks totaling $110,058.79. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to approve the February, 2012, Treasurer’s Report. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The following Seal Coat and Asphalt Bids were received:
Hammaker East1514 Black Gap Rd, Fayetteville, PA 17222 | Seal coat$1.30¼ seal coat 1.32 Fog seal 0.65 Total | 117,215.80 14,188.68 6,986.85 $117,215.80 |
Martin Paving 531 E 28th Division Hwy, Lititz, PA 17543 | Seal coat $1.083 ¼ Seal coat 1.215 Fog seal 0.50 Total | 97,649.78 13,060.03 5,374.5 $116,084.31 |
Asphalt Maintenance Solutions, LLC PO box 387, Center Valley, PA 18034 | Seal coat $1.12 ¼ seal coat 1.11 Fog seal 0.46 Total | 100,985.92 11,931.39 4,944.54 $117,861.85 |
Stewart & Tate, Inc. 950 Smile Way, Ste B, York ,PA | Seal Coat $1.16 ¼ seal coat 0.98 Fog seal 0.23 Total | 104,592,.56 10,534.02 2,472.27 $117,598.85 |
Midland Asphalt Materials Inc 640 Young St , PO box 388 Tonawanda, NY 14151-0388 | Seal Coat $1.40 ¼ seal coat N/B Fog seal N/B | 126,232.40 | ASPHALT BIDS |
Pennsy Supply 1 Clear Spring Road Annville, PA 17003 | Leveling crs $78.15 Wearing crs $74.25 Yellow Lines 0.27 White lines 0.14 ALT Leveling crs $89.70 Wearing crs $82.30 Yellow line 0.60 Total | 57,674.70 82,.194.75 1,235.25 1,281.00 17,850.3 24,607.70 709.20 $185,552.90 |
Martin Limestone 621 Martindale Road Ephrata, PA 17522 | Leveling crs $71.08 Wearing crs $71.08 Yellow Lines 0.22 White lines 0.11 ALT Leveling crs$72.15 Wearing crs $72.15 Yellow line 0.75 Total | 52,457.04 78,685.56 1,006.50 1,006.50 14,357.85 21,572.85 886.50 169,972.80 |
Asphalt Maintenance Solutions, LLC PO box 387, Center Valley, PA 18034 | Leveling crs $74.95 Wearing crs $78.15 Yellow Lines 0.30 White lines 0.19 ALT Leveling crs$76.28 Wearing crs $80.74 Yellow line 0.53 Total | 55,313.10 86,512.05 1,372.50 1,738.50 15,179.72 24,141.26 626.46 $184,883.59 |
Terry Scheetz motioned to award the bid to the lowest bidder for the Seal Coat and Asphalt bids, upon review of all documentation. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Jacque Smith motioned to approve a donation of $1,000 to Lancaster Farmland Trust. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Tom Showalter gave the Roadmaster’s report as follows:
Attended an MS4 training session.
Met with DEP at the Berkley Landfill site so that they could explain work to be done this summer.
Play ground equipment was moved from the Schoeneck Elementary School to the salt shed for storage. The equipment will be installed at the Schoeneck Park at the Park Boards direction.
Installed parking bumpers at the Chapel Gate Park parking lot.
The road crew attended a paving seminar put on by Pennsy Supply.
Installed a new drainage pipe at Main Street Park. This was flood repair.
Installed a 30 inch pipe on North Blainsport Rd. This was to replace a 18 inch pipe that was collapsing. Work was completed with a permit from DEP.
The parking lot at the Township Office has been cleaned.
The drainage swale in Chapel Gate Park was dug out and reseeded. Repairs to the end wall were also made.
Martin Tree Service cut down four trees at Main Street Park. All of the trees had to be removed because they obstructed the Little Cocalico Creek.
The Tannery Road storm water pipe work is completed.
EF Martzall has completed the siding work at the Maintenance Building.
A sink hole was reported on the Main Street Park property. The hole was covered it with a steel plate. Repairs will be made next week.
The baseball fields were groomed at Chapel Gate and Schoeneck Parks.
Met with contractor to go over roads for paving and chip seal.
The water was turned on and the bathroom at Chapel Gate and Main St. Parks will soon be opened.
Carolyn Friesema gave the Manager’s Report as follows:
1. Attended the following meetings:
a. Planning Commission – March 12, 2012 – 7:00 p.m.
b. Authority Board – March 13, 2012 – 7:00 p.m.
c. Participated in a test conference call with PPL on Friday,March, 9th. This service will be utilized in the event of a bigstorm similar to Tropical Storm Lee to give information regarding electric services, outages, etc.
2. Investigated the following complaints:
a. Noise complaint on S. Cocalico Rd. involving trucks using jakebrakes.
b. Unregistered vehicle
c. Unauthorized business – 69 Mechanic St.
3. Met with Lori Yeich from DCNR to discuss the grant for Chapel GatePark.
4. Met with Theo Robinson on Tuesday, March 6, 2012, to work on theChapel Gate Park Grant narrative.
5. Met with Ben Webber from Rettew to discuss the guiderail replacement on Sportsman Rd.
6. Met with Bob Weir from Entech to discuss Authority issues.
7. The Township was awarded an ARLE grant for $15,000 to replaceguiderails on the Sportsman Road bridge.
8. Received the registration and license plate for the 2006 John Deere Tractor.
9. Swale in Chapel Gate was repaired.
Carolyn said the Cocalico Boys Lacrosse team is planning to use the Schoeneck Park field. They are coordinating the use of the field with the Baseball Association.
The roof quotes for the property at 1975 N. Reading Road were reviewed and discussed. At the next regional meeting, the Supervisors want to ask East Cocalico Twp. to inform the three municipalities that are in partnership with them at the 1975 N. Reading Road, to inform them when they are planning to do something with the property, or hold a special meeting to discuss what they are planning to do.
Jacque Smith motioned to approve the matching funds for the Chapel Gate Walking Trail Grant application that was submitted. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Carolyn said she had several requests asking the Township to prohibit the use of jake brakes on S. Cocalico Rd. She will talk to Chief George Beever about this.
Terry Scheetz motioned to approve the use of Township roads for Lancaster Farmland Trust 2012 Pedal to Preserve bicycle ride on June 2nd. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There was discussion regarding the vacant seat on the Planning Commission Board. Carolyn will be contacting Kori Walter regarding this. He previously expressed an interest in serving on a Township Board.
The Board of Supervisors took the following actions on the Timothy Sensenig- 230 Blue Lake Road Stormwater Management Plan:
1.Terry Scheetz motioned to approve the plan, with the followingconditions:
a. Items 1-3 under Storm Water Management are addressed.
b.James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
2.Terry Scheetz motioned to approve withdrawal of the plan waiver request. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
3.James Stoner motioned to approve the Developer’s Agreement and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and Operations & Maintenance Manual. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
4.James Stoner motioned to have the Chairman execute the:
a.Improvement Guarantee Agreement
b.Storm Water Management Agreement and Declaration of Easement
Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terry Scheetz motioned to approve the escrow release for John F Martin & Sons, Inc. Storm Water Management Plan in the amount of 42,020.00. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
James Stoner motioned to approve the 2012/2013 Memorandum of Understanding between Lancaster County Conservation District and WCT. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
On a motion by James Stoner and seconded by Terry Scheetz, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
James Stoner Secretary