February 21, 2012

Township Meeting Room


Leading the Pledge of Allegiance, the Chairman, Jacque Smith called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

The following were in attendance:
Supervisors: Jacque Smith, Terry Scheetz and James Stoner.

Others Present: Carolyn Friesema, Manager; Shelbie Shupp, Administrative Assistant; Thomas Showalter, Roadmaster, Luke Showalter and Patrick Burns, Lancaster Newspapers.

James Stoner motioned to approve the Board of Supervisors minutes from February 2, 2012, as presented.Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

James Stoner motioned to approve the attached list of checks totaling $127,235.99. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

James Stoner motioned to approve the January, 2012, Treasurer’s Report. Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

There was discussion regarding the property at 1975 N. Reading Rd. Terry Scheetz said he and Noelle Fortna met with Dale at Ephrata National Bank and refinanced the property for 5 years at 4 ½% interest. After the 5 years, the bank cannot raise the interest rate higher than the original 6% rate. The new interest rate will save about $54,000 per year over the 5 yr. period. Since there has not been any progress regarding allowing leasing of truck space, the Supervisors want to discuss this again at a public meeting. East Cocalico Township is planning to repair concrete walls of building and will be contacting Richard L. Sensenig Co. and GSM regarding roof repairs.

The Board reviewed the Capital Projects Plan for 2012 through 2015. The Capital Projects Plan was prepared by Carolyn Friesema and Tom Showalter and includes road projects, equipment replacement, building projects and other projects.

Terry Scheetz motioned to accept the E. F. Martzall siding quote of $12,983.00 for the north side of the Maintenance Building. James Stoner seconded the motion. Motion carried. An additional quote was submitted by Cory S. Showalter & Son, LLC in the amount of $14,500.00.

The end of year banquet will be held on December 17th at Weaver’s Market banquet facility.

Based on Rettew Assocs. letter dated February 2, 2012, James Stoner motioned to approve the Arthur Johnson Revised Plan WCT 11-08 dated January 9, 2012 with the following conditions: a. All certificates need to be completed prior to recording the plan.
b. Evidence of an approved planning module, exemption request, or notice that a planningmodule is not required needs to be provided.
Terry Scheetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Ordinance 119 – governing truck traffic will be adopted at the March 1, 2012, meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Tom Showalter gave the Roadmaster’s Report as follows:

-Snow plowing Jan. 21, 22.
-Salt roads Feb. 9,10,11,12.
-Installed 740 feet of 24 inch pipe on Tannery Rd. There is about 60 to 68 feet of pipe left tofinish. 90% of time this month was spent on Tannery Rd., storm water project.
-Working on putting together a list of roads for chip seal and paving bids.
-Truck 901 had the alternator and batteries replaced.
-The Explorer, backhoe, trucks 696 and 204 were serviced.
-A 55 gallon drum of motor oil was purchased at Adamstown Equipment.
-The Creamery Road Bridge repairs were completed.
-Met with Carolyn and a representative from FEMA to visit flood damagesites.
-Received a phone call from Jay Martin concerning a storm water pipeand gutter at the intersection of Hillside and Lower Hillside Roads.
-Seven loads of salt were purchased so far this year and 80 tons ofantiskid.
-The carpets were cleaned at the office.

Carolyn Friesema gave the Manager’s reports as follows:
1.Attended the following meetings:
a.Planning Commission – Monday February 13, 2012- 7:00 pm
b.Authority – Tuesday February 14, 2012 – 7:00 pm
c.Zoning Board – Thursday, February 16, 2012 – 7:00 pm
2.Investigated the following complaints:a.Greenville Rd – earth moving activity.
b.Gene Martin – demolition. Diehm is working on ENS plan.
3.A FEMA representative came on Monday February 6, to do a site visit.
4.Met with Jeff Miller of Municipal Publications to discuss putting together a municipal map.
5.Met with Jim Cadwell and Tom Showalter to discuss the Chapel Gate park walking trail.
6.Met with Joe Becker, Texter Mountain Nursery, to discuss plantings at Chapel Gate Park.
7.Met with Randy Maurer and his bookkeeper to discuss ABI billing issues.
8.Attended a seminar on the new MS4 permit which is due September 14, 2012.
9.WGAL was here on Monday, February 13th, to get information regarding our new truck ordinance and why the township was adopting the ordinance.
10.Quite a few people have indicated they have used the website to download permits and to obtain zoning information. The drop box is being used very heavily for bill payments.
11.Met with Marty Gerhart to discuss free safety training for the Road Crew.

The Harding Yost Insurance Associates letter regarding Commercial Insurance Policy Exclusions was discussed. Carolyn will request a quote from Harding Yost to add these exclusions to the Township insurance coverage.

Jacque shared that Tammy Sweigart has completed Notary training.

The meeting was recessed to an executive session at 10:15 a.m. to discuss personnel issues.

The meeting reconvened at 10:45 a.m.

On a motion by James Stoner and seconded by Terry Scheetz, the meeting was adjourned at
10:50 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
James Stoner Secretary